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Bundesstaatlich Political System

Germany's State of Emergency Regulations

Bundesstaatlich Political System

Germany's political system is a federal republic and is organized as a parliamentary democracy. This means that the government is divided into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislative branch is made up of the Bundestag (lower house) and the Bundesrat (upper house). The executive branch is headed by the Chancellor, who is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Bundestag. The judicial branch is independent and is made up of the Federal Constitutional Court, state constitutional courts, and other lower courts.

Notstandsverfassung (Emergency Constitution)

In the event of a state of emergency, the Notstandsverfassung (Emergency Constitution) gives the federal government additional powers to protect the country. These powers include the ability to declare martial law, suspend civil liberties, and use military force. The Emergency Constitution was enacted in 1968 in response to the threats posed by the Cold War and terrorism. However, it has been used sparingly since then.

Bundestag in der Coronakrise (Bundestag in the Corona Crisis)

In the spring of 2020, the Bundestag passed a law declaring a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the first time that the Emergency Constitution had been used since 1968. The law gave the federal government broad powers to combat the pandemic, including the ability to restrict movement, close businesses, and impose curfews. The law was controversial, but it was ultimately successful in helping to contain the pandemic in Germany.

In Kriegszeiten ist die Bundesregierung diesem Notparlament gegenüber rechenschaftspflichtig. (In wartime, the federal government is accountable to this emergency parliament.)

In the event of a war, the Bundestag is transformed into a Notparlament (emergency parliament). The Notparlament has the power to make laws, declare war, and ratify treaties. The federal government is accountable to the Notparlament and can be dismissed by it. The Notparlament is a temporary body that is only convened in times of war.
